CMU has a Career Services department that assist students with:
- Exploring and deciding on a career,
- Learning how to write a strong resume, interview for a job and be more employable,
- Gaining access to potential employers.
A Career Services staff member makes regular visits to the Montrose campus to meet individually with students and provide advice. This is a free service. To schedule an appointment, contact the staff in the Branscome Center.
If you are undecided about a career or want to confirm you’ve picked the right career for you, ask about taking the Strong Interest Inventory. This is the most reliable career exploration tool to discover what careers most closely align with your interests. After you take it, a CMU career advisor will meet with you in Montrose to go over the results. The first time you take it, it’s free.
For more information about the Strong Interest Inventory and Career Services call 970.248.1404 or visit
The workforce center, located on 504 North 1st Street, has a Youth Services program (under the age of 25) that includes free services related to career exploration, job searching, applying for jobs, resume writing, interview practice, and assistance for military veterans. For more information, call Anne Hasse, the coordinator of Youth Services, at 970.249.7783, extension 16.
The Montrose Workforce Center also provides job seekers access to job listings on its website. To register to use this free service, visit The Workforce Center also provides access to its copier, fax and printer.
If you have thought seriously about launching your own business, the Small Business Resource Center of Region 10 offers non-credit classes on how to start a business and skills needed to run a small business successfully. For more information visit: or call 970.765.3130.
Region 10 is a non-profit, state-funded organization that supports the economic development of several counties on the Western Slope of Colorado. It’s located one block from campus at 145 S. Cascade Avenue.