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Documentation Guidelines

Individuals with disabilities who attend or plan to attend a post-secondary institution in Colorado may need reasonable accommodations, modifications, or auxiliary aids in order to have equal access to the programs and services offered. There are two laws that require post-secondary institutions to provide these services to otherwise qualified students, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Students who need accommodations are responsible for requesting these services from and for meeting with Educational Access Services for the following reasons:

  • To discuss how the disability impacts the student, past experiences/accommodations, what accommodations may be needed to provide equal access
  • To provide documentation, when available, that supports the request for services

Types of Documentation:

There are multiple forms of documentation that can be provided to EAS. Some examples of acceptable documentation can include:

  • IEP or 504 plan
  • Medical Records
  • A letter from a trained qualified professional that confirms a diagnosis 
  • Accommodation letter from a previous post-secondary institution
  • Full evaluation/diagnostic report
  • Patient Portal Diagnostic Summary
  • EAS "Provider Form" (see below)

Formal Letters:

A formal letter from a qualified professional should be on letterhead, with date and signature, and should include the following:

  1. A diagnostic statement that identifies the specific disability or disabilities (including the date of the diagnosis)
  2. The severity of the disability (mild/moderate/severe)
  3. Information on the functional limitations impacted by the disability (ex. time management, concentration, learning, attendance concerns, walking, reading, etc.)
  4. Any specific recommendations for accommodations

Provider Forms

Looking for Care or Evaluation?

Here are some of the resources available in Grand Junction, please note this is not a comprehensive list. 

Individual Matters - diagnostic testing, neuropsychological learning evaluations

  • 970-628-5589

Student Wellness Center - behavior health services-counseling and diagnostic testing

  • 970-644-3740 ext 4

Behavioral Health and Wellness - psychological testing, biofeedback, and more

  • 970-242-5707

Action Potential Behavioral Health and Sports Psychology - psychological evaluations, career counseling, and more

  • 970-609-9810

Dyslexia Foundation of Western Colorado - dyslexia evaluations

  • 970-208-5432

More Resources for Care and Evaluation in downloadable pdf

These forms of documentation can be attached in the New Student Application, dropped off at the EAS office, or emailed to [email protected].

EAS will review all pieces of documentation submitted. If you have any questions on documentation or are unable to acquire documentation please contact our office at 970.248.1856. 

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